Medical freedom

The right of bodily autonomy finds expression and protection in multiple clauses of the Constitution. No right is closer to that than medical freedom -- the freedom to decide your own medicine for your body, the right to informed consent that formed the Nuremberg Code. Foreign substances injected into your body against your informed consent offend the universal laws governing humanity, and our government ordered the imprisonment and execution of those who violated it at the Nuremberg trials. Yet we frequently face efforts from would-be eugenicists to eviscerate our right to informed consent, and choose our medicine for ourselves. Vaccine mandates, mask mandates, forced sterilizations, deceptive drug companies, and other threats to medical freedom repeatedly resurged since 2020, and the 1776 Law Center works to return informed consent to the individual as the guiding, governing touchstone of all medical choices.  

Brook Jackson

Brook Jackson worked in the clinical drug testing world for decades. Excited to be part of an expedited vaccine during a pandemic, Pfizer's partners hired her to protect the safety and efficacy testing of their Covid19 vaccine. What she saw at the clinical trials shocked her READ MORE…

This case concerns the Defendant Food & Drug Administration's (“FDA”) abuse of power leading to Plaintiffs' harm.